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Computer Hacks - Hacked Gadgets - DIY Tech Blog at 5:27 am. Filed under Complex Hacks, Computer Hacks, DIY Hacks, Electronic Hacks Using a DVD player screen, a rewired toy keyboard and toy laptop looks like it made a great start to this DIY Parallax Propeller Laptop.This project demonstrates the power of the Propeller microcontroller. Full documentation is available so that you could make your own. This is a Propeller laptop - with a 6502 co-processor and 64K of static RAM! The Propeller handles all I/O for the 6502 and runs an integrated debugger so you can program the computer. The Propeller serves as the programmable chipset for this 6502 laptop. You could use an FPGA in this capacity, but could you easily do this and implement visual debugger software inside an FPGA? Over the years hardware prototyping has evolved from building-block hardware (TTL) to programmable hardware (PLA s and FPGA s).